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AAC - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType

The source is an AAC stream.

Abr - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr
The adaptive bitrate configuration.
AbrStrategyConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr
The configuration of the adaptive bitrate strategy.
AbrStrategyConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.AbrStrategyConfiguration
The builder for the adaptive bitrate strategy configuration.
AbrStrategyMetadata - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr
The metadata of the adaptive bitrate strategy.
AbrStrategyMetadata.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.AbrStrategyMetadata
The builder for the metadata of the adaptive bitrate strategy.
AbrStrategyType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr
The adaptive bitrate strategy of the first segment.
AbstractTargetQualityChangedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack
The Abstract Target Quality Changed Event.
accountId(String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration.Builder
Sets the identifier of the Irdeto account.
ActiveQualityChangedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.video
Fired when the ACTIVEQUALITYCHANGEDEVENT occurs for a VideoTrack.
ActiveQualityChangedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio
Fired when ACTIVEQUALITYCHANGEDEVENT occurs for an AudioTrack.
ACTIVITY - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.pip.PiPType

A new activity will be used as the PiP window. This covers most of the scenarios except entering PiP when onUserLeaveHint is triggered.

Ad - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
The Ad API represents a VAST creative.
AD - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory

This category clusters all errors related to ads.

AD_BEGIN - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

Fired when an ad has begun.

AD_BLOCKER_DETECTED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

An ad blocker has been detected.

AD_BREAK_BEGIN - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdBreakEventType

Fired when an adbreak in a stream starts.

AD_BREAK_END - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdBreakEventType

Fired when an adbreak in a stream ends.

AD_BREAK_ENDED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an adbreak in a stream ends.

AD_BREAK_FETCH_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an adbreak will not play back any ads.

AD_BREAK_READY - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an adbreak is ready from VMAP or ad rule ads.

  • This will only fire if autoPlayAdBreaks has been set to false in ImaSdkSettings.

  • The adData object will contain an adBreakTime property. This property will represent the time at which the adbreak occurred. 0 for pre-rolls, -1 for post-rolls. For mid-rolls, content playhead time, in seconds.

AD_BREAK_STARTED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an adbreak in a stream starts. An adbreak can contain multiple ads.

AD_BUFFERING - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when playback stalls while the ad buffers.

AD_CLICK_THROUGH - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

The URI for the advertiser's home page or campaign landing page.

AD_CLICK_TRACKING - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

The tracking URL for the AD_CLICK_THROUG property

AD_END - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

Fired when an ad ends.

AD_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

Something went wrong with an ad.

AD_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an ad error occurs.

AD_FIRST_QUARTILE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

Fired when the ad has completed playing the first quartile (25%).

AD_MIDPOINT - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

Fired when the ad has completed playing the first half (50%).

AD_PERIOD_ENDED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an ad period in a stream ends.

AD_PERIOD_STARTED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when an ad period in a stream starts.

  • This event will be fired even for ads that are being replayed or when seeking to the middle of an adbreak.

AD_PROGRESS - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired to inform of ad progress. Can be used by the publisher to display some sort of countdown timer.

AD_THIRD_QUARTILE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType

Fired when the ad has completed playing the third quarter (75%).

AdBeginEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_BEGIN occurs for an Ad.
AdBreak - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
The AdBreak API represents an ad break in the VMAP specification or an ad pod in the VAST specification.
AdBreakBeginEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_BREAK_BEGIN occurs for an AdBreak.
AdBreakEndEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_BREAK_END occurs for an AdBreak.
AdBreakEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
The AdBreak event.
addChildrenForAccessibility(ArrayList) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addContentView(View,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in androidx.appcompat.app.FullScreenActivity
AddCueEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack
Fired when ADDCUE occurs for a TextTrack.
AdDescription - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription
The common API for the ad break(s) request.
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Player
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TextTrackList
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TextTrack
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Chromecast
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Ads
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTask
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskList
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Cache
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Track
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TextTrackCue
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.DateRangeCue
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.MediaTrack
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.MediaTrackList
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Quality
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.VideoQuality
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AudioQuality
addEventListener(EventType,EventListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EventDispatcher
addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo,String,Bundle) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addFocusables(ArrayList,int,int) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addFriendlyObstruction(OmidFriendlyObstruction) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Omid
Adds an OmidFriendlyObstruction.
addFullScreenChangeListener(FullScreenChangeListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen.FullScreenManager
Adds the given FullScreenChangeListener which listens for fullscreen changes.
addFullScreenIntentCreationListener(IntentCreationListener) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen.FullScreenManager
Adds the given intentCreationListener which listens for the creation of the intent to start the fullscreen activity.
addHTTPInterceptor(HTTPInterceptor) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.Network
Adds an HTTPInterceptor to the network stack.
addIntegration(Integration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Adds an Integration.
addKeyboardNavigationClusters(Collection,int) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addMenuProvider(MenuProvider) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnAttachStateChangeListener(View.OnAttachStateChangeListener) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addOnConfigurationChangedListener(Consumer) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnContextAvailableListener(OnContextAvailableListener) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnLayoutChangeListener(View.OnLayoutChangeListener) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addOnMultiWindowModeChangedListener(Consumer) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnNewIntentListener(Consumer) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnPictureInPictureModeChangedListener(Consumer) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnTrimMemoryListener(Consumer) - function in androidx.activity.FullScreenActivity
addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener(View.OnUnhandledKeyEventListener) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addStatesFromChildren() - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in java.lang.THEOplayerDestroyedException
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in java.lang.ContentProtectionException
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in java.lang.THEOplayerException
AddTaskEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.tasklist
Fired when a new CachingTask is added to CachingTaskList.
addTouchables(ArrayList) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
AddTrackEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.list
Fired when ADDTRACK occurs for a TextTrackList.
AddTrackEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.video.list
Fired when ADDTRACK occurs for a VideoTrack List.
AddTrackEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio.list
Fired when ADDTRACK occurs for an AudioTrack list.
addView(View) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
AdEndEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_END occurs for an Ad.
AdErrorEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_ERROR occurs for an Ad.
AdEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
The Ad event.
AdFirstQuartileEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_FIRST_QUARTILE occurs for an Ad.
AdImpressionEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_IMPRESSION occurs for an Ad.
AdIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source
The integration type of the ad break(s).
AdIntegrationKind - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
The integration kind of the Ad.
AdLoadedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_LOADED occurs for an Ad.
AdMidpointEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_MIDPOINT occurs for an Ad.
adParams(Map) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.mediatailor.MediaTailorSource.Builder
Optional Map of ad parameters to perform client-side ad reporting.
AdPreloadType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
The Ad preloading strategy.
ads(AdsConfiguration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig.Builder
Sets the additional advertisement configuration.
Ads - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
The Ads API which can be used to schedule as well as get information related to a group of advertisements.
ads(Array) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription.Builder
Sets the ads of the SourceDescription.
ads(Array) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription.Builder
Sets the ads of the SourceDescription.
AdsConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
The AdsConfiguration API describes the configuration of the advertisement.
AdsConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdsConfiguration
The builder for the advertisement configuration.
AdsEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
The types of Ad Events.
AdsEventTypes.Identifiers - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdsEventTypes
The Ad event identifiers.
adTagParameters(Map) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiLiveConfiguration.Builder
Sets the ad tag parameters which are added to the stream request.
adTagParameters(Map) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiVodConfiguration.Builder
Sets the ad tag parameters which are added to the stream request.
AdThirdQuartileEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads
Fired when AD_THIRD_QUARTILE occurs for an Ad.
AES128_KEY - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestSubType
ALL_ADS_COMPLETED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when all the valid ads in the ads response have completed, or when the response doesn't return any valid ads.

allowBackgroundPlayback() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerSettings
Whether the player continues play-out while the app goes to the background, defaults to `false`.
amount(String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingParameters.Builder
Sets the amount of data to cache for the given stream.
ANALYTICS - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
ANDROID_TV - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.SDKType

THE THEOplayer Android TV SDK is in use.

animate() - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
annotationType() - function in java.lang.annotation.Annotation
announceForAccessibility(CharSequence) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
API_NOT_INITIALIZED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.ErrorCode
applyOverrideConfiguration(Configuration) - function in android.view.FullScreenActivity
ARRAY_BUFFER - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.ResponseType
asMap() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue.CustomAttributes
The CustomAttribute list as a Map.
ASPECT_FILL - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.AspectRatio

Scales the THEOplayer so that the content fills up the entire bounding box, keeping the original aspect ratio of the content.

  • This will not show black bars. The content might be cropped.
AspectRatio - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player
Specifies an aspect ratio for the player when in fullscreen mode.
AUDIO - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType

The content type is audio.

AUDIO - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.settings.DecoderType
AUDIO - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestMediaType
AudioQuality - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality
Represents a quality of the audio track.
AudioTrackEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio
The types of AudioTrack Events.
AudioTrackListEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio.list
The types of AudioTrackList Events.
audioTrackSelection(Array) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingPreferredTrackSelection.Builder
The list of language tags that indicates the preferred audio tracks to be cached.
authToken(String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the authentication token.
authToken(String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiLiveConfiguration.Builder
Sets the authorization token for the stream request.
authToken(String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiVodConfiguration.Builder
Sets the authorization token for the stream request.
AUTO - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.CastStrategy

The player will automatically join a cast session at startup if one exists when play is called. Otherwise, it will prompt the user with all available devices.

AUTO - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.PreloadType

The player will immediately load the metadata and the media on source change.

autofill(AutofillValue) - function in android.view.THEOplayerView
AVAILABLE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.PlayerCastState

Chromecast device is available, but the player is not connected or not controlling the session.

AWS_MEDIATAILOR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
AXINOM - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMIntegrationId

The Axinom DRM integration identifier, see AxinomDRMConfiguration for more information.

AxinomDRMConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration
The configuration of the Axinom DRM integration.
AxinomDRMConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AxinomDRMConfiguration
The builder for the Axinom DRM configuration.
AZURE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMIntegrationId

The Azure DRM integration identifier, see AzureDRMConfiguration for more information.

AzureDRMConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration
The configuration of the Azure Media Services DRM integration.
AzureDRMConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AzureDRMConfiguration
The builder for the Azure Media Service DRM configuration.
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